Walls of charts don't cut it.

Out-of-box KPI monitoring with AI-powered analysis result in personalized insights and recommendations for real rep and team accountability.

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How Atrium Works

Every metric
that matters

If you can measure it, we can track it. Atrium is completely customizable to your KPIs and programmable to focus on what matters per team.

Detect changes in rep performance

Atrium continuously monitors the KPIs that matter to you to reveal anomalies in your reps’ and team’s performance, like changes in efficiency or the number one friction point for each rep.

Know the root cause and solution to performance issues

Atrium continuously looks for patterns across hundreds of rep and team metrics to detect which behaviors and activities per rep are impacting your team’s output and directly manages each rep with AI-powered recommendations.

If you need to know about it, Atrium will alert you

Whether it’s a high performing rep that needs kudos, a struggling rep that needs coaching, or a pipeline issue that needs attention, Atrium will let you know about it (and tell each rep directly).

Automatically set and track goals

Atriumrecommends appropriate goals for all your KPIs, encourages reps to stay ahead of goal pace, and tracks results of these goals over time so each employee and team knows exactly where they stand.